Types of Debt

Types of Debt

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Types of Debt

Types of Debt
Types of Debt - Hello Friend Accounting Methods, In the article you read this time with the title Types of Debt, We have prepared this article for you to read and retrieve information therein. Hopefully the contents of postings Article debt, Article finance, Article loan, We write this you can understand. Alright, good read.

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Types of Debt

In this world, all take the debt. Debt means to take any wealth  from other for sometime because without this, it is very difficult to live your life. If you have taken debt, it is also necessary. Sometime, you may not know whether you have taken debt or not due to your ignorance. So, it is necessary to get knowledge of type of debt. (  Read also methods of cost of capital )

There are two types of Debt 

1. Voluntarily Debt 

(A) Debt which is Given by Our Parent 

Our parent give us food, clothes and place for stay. This is the example of voluntarily debt. They spent time for take care. This spending time is also voluntarily debt. Some ignorant people may say that it is the duty of our parent because we are born by them. Ok, you are right. It is your thinking but if parent don't care, orphan home becomes. So, guardian gives us debt. If there will not care, we may die. So, it is debt.

Now, How to Pay Your this Debt 

You have accepted that you have taken debt from your parents and it was started from your birth. Following are the way to remove your debt.

 Give your Voluntarily Service to Your Parent

You can take following easy steps :

1. Your parent may tired. You can massage to their body. It will help them to get physical relief.
2. You can cook tasty food for them.
3. You can give pocket money to them.
4. You can buy new clothes for them and give them free gift.
5. You can treat their diseases.
6. You can spend their travelling cost.
7. You can clean their home, clothes and utensils.
8. You can add water in their cooler in summer.
9. You can give tasty seasonal fruits to your parents.
10. You can spend your happy moments with them.
11. To marry and bear new kids.

(B) Debt which is Given by Earth Voluntarily to You 

As you grow, you get voluntarily debt from earth. You eat food which grows on earth. You make your home and office on the earth. You use wood by cutting the trees. You can say, you have paid for buying space of earth and you have bought wood and construction material. So, it is not debt. But I am saying, you are ignorant because the person who sell you the space of earth, how did he get it. Simply, his older ancestors possessed free of cost. Earth is the part of nature, it is given you on debt for use but you have forgotten it.

Now, start your gratitude for earth mother and start to pay its debt by following action. 

1. Plant the trees in your home and office. A single tree gives the stay to other birds. So, by doing this, you are giving debt of earth. I also must plant trees in my home and office because I know this truth that I have taken the debt from earth voluntarily. So, it is my duty to repay it by my action.

2. Give food to helpless animals and helpless people. You are using your home for living and office for business. So, the land is useless for production of food. So, it is your duty to give free food to other children of earth mother.

3. Make the Stay of Helpless people and Animals.

4. Buy the Ticket of Zoo.

5. Donation to Orphan home and Gaushala.

(C) Debt which is Given by Air Voluntarily to You 

Day and night, you get pure air and send outside polluted air. Every pure air which you are taking is debt.
Every polluted air by you and your vehicle is sending in environment, is the debt of air. So, it is your duty to remove the debt of air angel by doing act.

1. Plant the trees. It decreases the pollution.
2. Try to reduce air pollution by less use of AC, Freez, Vehicles, car and buses and trucks. If you go near, try to use your cycle.

3.  Do yajna. Fire with pure oil and pray of God. It will pure the air. By doing this, you are paying your debt for air.
4. Give free water to thirsty  people and animals and birds.

(D) Debt which is Given by Water Voluntarily to You 

Every day, you use water for drinking, making food, for construction and for other purposes. So, it is debt which is given by water angel. So, you have to pay this debt by following way. 

1. Plant the trees. It helps to bring new pure water and purify earth's polluted water.
2. Do Yajna. It helps to bring rain.
3. Try to reduce the pollution of water and wastage of water. 

(E) Debt which is Given by Sun Voluntarily to You 

Sun is needed for bringing sweet in fruits. It is needed for health. So, it is the voluntarily debt which is given by sun angel. You must give this debt by following way. 

1. Help to Helpless because sun is here for help you because you need its support for making your home and office. 

(E) Debt which is Given by God Voluntarily to You 

Everything is given by God. So, you are unable to repay his debt. Still, you can do one great work, you can pray of God by following way.

First Pray 

Dear God, you are my mother, my father, my brother and my friend.

you are my supporter and without you, no one is for me for support.

Yes, you are only my supporter and without you, no one is for me for support.

You are my ship and you are only my driver for carrying me on my goal.

Dear God, you are my mother, my father, my brother and my friend. 

I am the flower which can not grow and I am just dust of your foot. 

Dear God, please keep the eye of pity and kindness on me. It will be great support for us. 

Dear God, you are my mother, my father, my brother and my friend. 

you are my supporter and without you, no one is for me for support. 

You are my ship and you are only my driver for carrying me on my goal. 

Dear God, you are my mother, my father, my brother and my friend. 

Second Pray 

Dear God, give me power, so, my self-confidence will not weak. 

Dear God, give me power, so, my self-confidence will not weak. 

I must go to the path of goodness, so, I do not do any evil and I will not do evil in my mistake. 

Dear God, give me power, so, my self-confidence will not weak. 

Dear God, give me power, so, my self-confidence will not weak. 

Please remove the darkness of ignorance. Please give me the light of knowledge. 

I must save from bad habits and please give me good habits. 

No one should my enemy and I never take revenge from any person of the world

I must go to the path of goodness, so, I do not do any evil and I will not do evil in my mistake. 

Dear God, give me power, so, my self-confidence will not weak. 

Never think what we have received. We must think what we have sacrificed for others. 

We must distribute the flowers of happiness to others and all should feel happy all time from it. 

Dear God, please give  rain of your kindness on us and we will feel happiness from it. 

I must go to the path of goodness, so, I do not do any evil and I will not do evil in my mistake. 

Dear God, give me power, so, my self-confidence will not weak. 

(F) Debt which is Given by Your Teachers Voluntarily to You 

Everyone who gives you knowledge is your teacher. By giving knowledge, he is giving voluntarily debt which you have to repay at any cost. 

Following way, you can repay this debt to your teachers. 

1. Teach voluntarily to other people. For example, for writing this voluntarily content, I got knowledge from a book Yajna Rehsya. So, with this knowledge, I feel happiness but it is also debt. So, by providing this knowledge to you, I am repaying the debt of my teacher. 

2. Support helpless students. 

3. Teach free to helpless students. At Accounting Education, everything read free of cost. It is the repayment by me to my teacher's debt. 

(G) Debt which is Given by Your Friends Voluntarily to You 

Your friend is a person who supports you when you need it really. Your friend may be your brother or any unknown person who support you financially or physically or through his resources. He gives you support and forget. But, you must not forget his debt. You can repay his debt by following way.

1. You also voluntarily support your friend when he needs or he does not need.
2. Give him good gifts.
3. Drink him fruit's juice.
4. Say him, I am really thankful and indebted for your kindness.

2. Debt on Demand

Anyone person gets debt financially or goods on credit. He will responsible to repay same amount and its interest. If he will be late, then, he will pay you the debt, its interest and also late fees.

1. Never take debt from anyone because voluntarily debt is enough. There is no need of any extra debt because you will not any asset for taking any extra.

2. If you have taken any debt, pay it on time with interest.

3. Never make bad habit of taking more debt.

4. If you have given unsecured debt, give and forget. Never take its tension. With this, you can live happy life. 

Thus Article Types of Debt

that's all the article Types of Debt this time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. alright, see you in posting other articles.

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